This Guide will show you how to add a new user account for an employee.

Adding a New User.

Select Administration, then select Location Settings.

Select Users

Select New User

1. Select the desired Role for the user (This is their level of permissions when they are logged into EZFacility)

2. Enter their first and last name

3. Enter an email address (This is used for emails and email blasts as a return address)

4. Enter a unique username and password *requirements: Must contain 12 characters or more. At lease one number and at least one upper case letter.

5. Enter cellular phone number and choose the provider associated with the Trainer's cell phone so the trainer will be able to receive text message notifications

*** If a Trainer does not want to receive text message reminders select "Don't use SMS"

6. Some of the user permissions require that the user account be linked to a specific resource added to your schedule, these permissions involve scheduling, reporting and attendance.

 7. Don't forget to click Add at the bottom of the page.

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