This report generates a summary of revenue in your account. If revenue categories are set up, the report allows filtering by categories such as taxes generated, payments applied, and discounts given within an entered date range.  You can also enter a revenue goal and compare your goal to your actual revenue.  

Revenue is income that a company is expected to receive from its normal business activities, usually from the sale of goods and services to customers. Payments applied is the amount of money paid toward your revenue. If all of the revenue has been collected for the date range, then the Revenue/Payment Applied bar graph at the top of the Revenue Report will be even.

To access the Revenue Report, go to Reports > Select 'Financial' > Select 'View' on the right side of the page next to the Revenue Report description.

Revenue Report Details

Once on the Revenue Report, you can choose the following:

  • Start Date
    • Items with revenue dates earlier than this will not figure into the Revenue, Discounts, and Taxes sections. Payments received earlier than this will not be listed in the Payment Breakdown section. Payments that were received outside this range but applied to revenue dated inside it are not listed.
  • End Date
    • Items with revenue dates later than this will not be figured into the Revenue, Discounts, and Taxes sections. Payments received later than the end of this day will not be listed in the Payment Breakdown section. Payments received outside this range but applied to revenue dated inside it, are not listed.
    • Please Note: Invoice dates and payment schedules are completely ignored in this report.
  • Set a Revenue Goal (Optional)
    • Enter your target amount of revenue for this reporting period. It will be included in the report for comparison with the actual figures.
  • Filter by Revenue Category
  • Select 'More Options' for a more customizable report.

Select the 'Generate Report' button to pull the report results.

Generated Report

Bar Graph:

Revenue is income that a company is expected to receive from its normal business activities, usually from the sale of goods and services to customers. 

Payments applied is the amount of money paid toward your revenue.

If all of the revenue has been collected for the date range, then the Revenue/Payment Applied bar graph at the top of the Revenue Report will be even.

Revenue by Category: This shows the amount of money that was billed within the date range you entered. This section is based on the Revenue Date of each billing item. The billing item will appear in this section if the Revenue Date is within the selected date range.

Taxes Generated: This shows the amount of taxes added to billing items where the items Revenue Date is within the date range you entered. To correctly view this section a tax rate must be entered into your account.

Payment Breakdown: This shows a breakdown of the payments received within the date range you entered. This section is based on the Payment Date of each payment. The payment will appear in this section if a Payment Date is within the selected date range. This section will show you the amount of payments applied to an item, not applied to an item, and refunded.

Discounts by Category: The total amount of discounts applied to billing items where the items Revenue Date is within the selected date range.

Click the "Show Details" in each section of the report to drill-in for more specific information.

All financial reports can be exported out of EZFacility by selecting the disc icon. We recommend exporting the information into a CSV file to best sort or edit the data.

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