This guide will show you how to enable or disable email notifications for credit card declines, self-service and online registration.

Alert Email

The alert email will receive the credit card decline notification.

1. Click Administration
2. Click Location Setup

Here you can see the Alert Email field. Fill in the email address you would like to receive the credit card decline notifications. We usually see this as a billing email.

Self-Service Notifications

In Self Service Preferences, users will be able to set up email notifications for several Self-Service actions.

1. Click Administration
2. Click Self Service Preferences

Here you can choose what notifications you will receive when your clients take action on the self service site. Enter an email address in the Additional Emails field. This email will get the notifications.

Email Alerts

On the email alerts page, the user can set up session reminders for Clients and Trainers. Users can also set up a Facility Summary email that can be sent to any administrator at your facility. To set these up follow these steps:

1. Click Administration
2. Click Email Alerts under Client Settings

Session Reminder: Here you can setup for a client to get a reminder once or twice before their session starts. You can also setup reminders for your trainers to get reminders.

Management Email Reminder: This email will be a summary of the previous day's activity. A person has to have a user account in order to be added to this email list.

Online Registration Notifications

Users can add an email to online registration default settings to receive an email any time someone registers for a group.
To set up or update your email alerts:

1. Click Administration
Click Online Registration


Enter email addresses in the Send notification of all online registrations to the following emails:.

Note: Users can set up notifications for individual groups when reviewing the Online Registration tab of the group.

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