This lesson will show you how to schedule special Reservation Types: Floor Hours, Program Instruction, Unpaid Time and Unavailable.
Select the Schedule from the menu. Select the trainer for booking.
***Trainer Tip: This feature can also be used to set a specific location as unavailable. This will prevent a location from being available in an online rental search if using the Self-Service Portal.
Navigate to the specific date using the calendar icon, then select the specific Trainer and time for the reservation. Click on a white cell on your schedule page for the trainer you wish to book. Clicking into the cell will open a dialog box.
Selecting the dot next to the trainer's name will highlight the selected resource and make only that trainer's times clickable.
Reservation Type : Special
Special Reservation Types include: Floor Hours, Program Instruction, Unpaid time and Unavailable.
1. Select Special from the Reservation Type options.
2. Select the desired option from the drop-down menu.
***Trainer Tip: If the event is recorded on a trainer venue, these Special Reservation Types can be tracked using the Trainer Payroll and Commission Report. The booked events can be a single occurrence, or a recurring event.
3. Select the Start and End Time for the Event.
4. If desired, this event can be set up as a recurring event.
5. Select Save and Finish. Clients cannot be booked into Special Reservations.
Your reservation will now appear on the schedule page with your specified title.