Calculate the value of sessions that have been purchased and not used.
Unused Session Value
Click on Unused Session Value
Note: Use the Navigation Sidebar to quickly navigate to other Reports without having to return to the main Reports page.
Generate Report
1. Ignore Sessions Booked After: Sessions after this date will be considered unused, regardless of attendance. This is useful for historical reporting.
2. Which Sessions Are "Used"? Allows you to choose a specific attendance status to report on.
3. Ignore Expired Packages? Packages with end dates can be excluded from the report when they end earlier than the date chosen above, or earlier than today if no date is chosen. The default is only to exclude packages that are marked to "Lock" outside of their date range, because otherwise they are still technically usable.
4. Click on Generate Report.
Generated Report
* Click the Show Details link for more information.
Note: You can export this report by selecting a format and clicking export.