This guide will demonstrate how to set up the various rental rates that are used when setting up rentals.

Select Administration

Select Rental Rates

Fill in the Rental Rate template to add rental rates. Rates can be set up for each Rental Type. You may also need to set up multiple options, such as seasonal rates.

1. Enter a Label describing the rate option and any additional description information

    - This describes what the rental rate will apply too and is used when billing a rental reservation

2. Set the rate to charge the customer

3. Choose how you want the rate to calculate (Per Hour, Per Occurrence or Custom)

   - Per Hour: Counts the total number of hours of the reservation and multiplies that number by the Rate

   - Per Occurrence: Counts the total number of unique occurrences, regardless of time and multiplies the count by the rate

   - Custom: This allows you to set a single rate to charge for the reservation regardless of occurrence or time

4. If duplicate resources exist - Set the option on how to treat bookings that span more than one resource:

   - If you wish to ignore the number of resources and charge the rate a single time use "Calculate quantity once only"

   - If you are booking multiple resources and wish to charge the rate for each resource use the "Calculate quantity separately for each"


5. Choose the option on how you wish billing item(s) to be created for the rental:

   - Combined: Creates a single billing item that encompasses the entire reservation

   - Per Resource: If the rental covers multiple resources, this will create a billing item for each resource and the total charge for each (ex. resource 1, resource 2, etc. would each be a billing item)

   - Per Occurrence: Creates a billing item for each individual occurrence (ex. day 1, day 2, day 3, etc. would each be a billing item)

   - Separate: Creates a billing item for each individual resource and occurrence (ex. day1/resource 1, day 1/resource 2, day 2/resource 1, etc. would each be a billing item)

6. Click Add Template to complete your entry

You can view your completed rental rate and use the pencil icon to edit the rate as needed or the red X to remove the template

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