This guide will demonstrate how to set up the employee time clock. Each employee will need to have a user account in order to log into the time clock.
Create new user account
Click Administration
Click Location Settings
Click User
Click New User
Fill the required fields which are: Role, First Name, Last Name, Email, Username and Password.
Click Add.
***Trainer Tip - Use Roles to set up staff logins. Assigning roles to specific users will assure that each staff member has the correct level of access when logging in to work.
Job Classifications
- Click Administration.
- Click Time Clock
Click Job Classifications
Type in a job classification.
Click Add Job Classification
Set Hourly Rates for Staff
Hourly rates must be set for each staff member. A staff member can be paid at different rates for different jobs. For example, if the staff member works at the front desk and as a trainer, set the correct pay rate for each job. The user would select the specific role when logging in.
Click Time Clock then click Hourly Rate
Click Edit next to the user you need to add a hourly rate to.
Choose a classification and type in their hourly rate.
Click Add Hourly Rate
Setting an IP Address Restriction
If desired, you can control which computer(s) are used for the Time Clock. Select IP Address Restriction to add the location of the specific computer to be used for the Time Clock. The IP Address, which is a unique, identifier for a computer on a network, will automatically populate in the empty field. To prevent staff logins from other locations, uncheck the Allow access from any IP Address box.
If multiple computers are approved for Time Clock use, add the IP Address for each computer. ***If computers are no longer to be used, remove the IP Address by selecting the X.