This guide will show you how to Freeze a Membership Contract.
Freezing a membership for a client can be a helpful option for those who need to put their membership on hold for a time. Whether the member is dealing with an injury, a busy work schedule, or simply need a break from their routine, freezing a client's membership can allow them to take a temporary hiatus without losing the progress they have made. By freezing a client's membership, you can stop all billing from occurring while reserving their place at the gym for when they are ready to return. In this instructional article, we will guide you through freezing membership for a client.
Select Clients. Search for the desired member or select the client if visible.
Select the Pencil to edit the Contract.
Select Add a Freeze.
Add a date for the First day of the freeze.
Add an end date for the Last day of freeze (optional). This is optional and can be set at any time in the future.
- The membership for the client will automatically resume the day after the set end date.
- Add Remarks about the freeze for tracking purposes. This is optional unless set as a requirement.
- Click on Freeze.
The history of Status Changes to the contract will be visible