How to create an Email Campaign in the New EZFacility Experience

The following steps will teach you how to create an email campaign in the New EZFacility Experience.

Trainer Note : A client will only receive an email campaign if they have an active,verified email on their profile. The client must opt-in to email campaigns upon verifying their email.

If the client did not opt-in to email campaigns, they will not be added to a list to receive the email campaign.

Start by clicking on the "Administration".

Next, Click on "Email Campaign"

Then, click the green "Send Email Campaign" button to the top right of your screen

Next, you will need to select who you want to send this email campaign to. By default we provide a few basic options such as "All Contacts, All Members, Non-Members, Birthdays this month, and Birthdays next month".

You will also have an option to select your previously made "Client Categories" from this drop-down list.

When you selected your category, click "Next".

You will then be given the choice to select an additional filter if you so choose to narrow down the clients even more.

Either choose an additional filter or, if none of these apply you can select "Next".


Be sure to include a return email address and an email subject for your clients


Now we've reached the step where we can type our actual email. There are a few options to choose from once you reach this step :

Option 1) If you have an email template you created previously in EZFacility, you can upload it by clicking on the first drop down arrow and selecting

"My Saved Templates".

Option 2)

If you do not have a previously created email template, you can copy and paste your contents from a word document by clicking the word icon seen in the photo below. When this icon is selected it will bring up a new screen for you to paste your contents. Be sure to be clicking "Ctrl + V" on your keyboard to paste the contents into this section.

Note: When copy and pasting from a 3rd party system, do not paste the contents directly into the email body.

Option 3)

This will simply be you entering in an email by hand, typing all of the verbiage. After you typed your email click "Next" at the bottom of the page.

Clicking "Save as New Template" will save this email as a template so you can access it at any time. This option was showed in previous steps above.

You will now see a preview screen that will show the contents of the email.

Selecting "Send Test" will send a test email to your return email address.

Selecting "Send Blast" will send the email to your clients.

Trainer Note:

If you have an image you would like uploaded to your system to put into an email, please email



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