How to Add News Articles on the Public Website

This lesson will show you how to create news articles and publish them to the public website, either on the homepage or on a specific league(s) pages

News Articles

Click on the News link

Add Story

1. Click on Add Story to create a new article

2. Click Edit to modify an existing story or Delete to remove it from your account

3. Click on a story title link to view the public website page containing the story

Create News Article

1. Type in the title of your story

2. Enter the text of your story and format using the toolbar

3. Check or un-check the box depending on whether you want this story to be on the home page or only on a specifically selected league or tournament page(s)

Assign News to League/Tournament

1. Click on the name of the league(s) or tournament(s) you wish to assign this news story to

2. Click on the arrows to move over individual or all leagues/tournaments

3. Click on Add Story to create your news article

View Article on Public Site

News articles will be visible below the schedule on the home page of the public website or at the top of the page as a link for any selected league or tournament assigned to the story

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