Online Webinar - Rentals in EZFacility Classic

EZ Essentials are a quick, back to basics series of webinars to ensure you are utilizing your software to its full potential. This educational webinar series is designed to showcase feature-specific best practices, and ensure you are making the most of your EZFacility account.

Article Summary

Presented by Bryant Strozinsky, EZFacility Marketing Specialist

EZ Essentials are a quick, back to basics series of webinars to ensure you are utilizing your software to its full potential.

This educational webinar series is designed to showcase feature-specific best practices, and ensure you are making the most of your EZFacility account.

In this Session we review:

  • Brief Introduction to the Schedule Screen
  • Recurring Rentals
  • Renting Multiple Venues
  • Creating a Rental
  • Customizing Titles
  • Setting Rental Length
  • Billing & Invoicing

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