Syncing your EZFacility Calendar to your Outlook Calendar

This guide will show you how to sync your calendar to your Outlook in Microsoft Office 365 Business

** Please make sure you read How to Sync to External Calendar before you continue with these steps below.

Open Outlook Calendar

To view your Outlook calendar click on the Calendar icon on the bottom left.

1. Click on the Open Calendar option

2. Then choose the From Internet option

Paste URL

Paste URL

See How to Sync to External Calendar if you have not copied the EZFacility Sync URL.

Right-Click and select paste.

Note: you can hit Ctrl+V to paste the link.

Click on Ok when you have entered the URL.

Add Calendar

Add Calendar

Click on Yes to continue.

To configure this Calendar, click Advanced.

* This will allow you to change the calendar name, enter a description, etc.

View the Calendar

You can now view your EZFacility Calendar.

Note: You can deselect other calendars in the Outlook sidebar panel to view only your EZFacility calendar, you can also rename the calendar by right clicking on the calendar name.

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