How to Set Up Self-Service Preferences in EZFacility Classic

This guide will demonstrate how to enable Self-Service and configure the settings that go along with setting up the various services available in Self-Service.

Locating Self-Service

Select Administration.

Select Self-Service from the Left Navigation Menu.

Self-Service Preferences

Select Self-Service Preferences.

Enabling Self-Service and Configuring Your Preferences

Depending on the services you offer, you can determine which options to enable by checking the associated box of the feature you want to enable.

1. Enable Self-Service-Site

Checking of this box activates your Self Service.

2. Allow users to book session online

By checking this box, you're allowing users to book themselves into available sessions. To set up restrictions and set preferences for online booking click, the Configure Default Session Settings link.  

**There are nine settings within this setting that need to be configured in order to setup restrictions and preferences.

1.  Default Availability

There are three options for session availability.

  1. Allow booking - if this option is selected, the user will be able to book into the session if they have the allowed package type. If they do not have the correct package, and the package is for sale on the Self-Service portal, the user will be prompted to purchase the correct package and complete the booking. Any sessions booked will be immediately visible on the EZFacility Calendar.
  2. List only, do not book - if this option is selected, the Self-Service user will see that there is a session at a specific time, but they will not be able to book the class. They will be prompted to call for information.
  3. Do not list - Use of this option will prevent the class from being visible on the Self-Service Portal. However, the class will still be visible on the EZFacility Schedule.

** Trainer Tip: This is the default set up for availability. These settings can be bypassed if necessary for each Reservation Type.

2. Default Requirements

There are two options in this section.

1. Client must have an active, paid to date membership, the user will not be able to book a session unless they are a member, and their membership is paid through the current invoice date.

**Trainer Tip: This can be used if a certain type of class or session is only available for members.

2. The package used to book must be paid to date, the package must be paid through the current invoice date.

3. Visible Range

Set the Visible Range for Self-Service and MemberMe+ to accommodate how far in advance you like to make sessions available for your customers.  

  • The maximum visible range for Self-Service and MemberMe+ vary depending on the amount of services your facility offers.

**Trainer Tip: The range that is set will be the default for all sessions. This setting has no default override for specific reservation types.

4. Hide Full Sessions (MemberMe+)

You can choose to show or hide full sessions when your clients are viewing the schedule through the MemberMe+ App.

5. Default Cutoff Times

There are two options in the Default Cutoff Times section.

1.  How much time before the start of the session does the client have to book into the class?  

2.  Do you want to allow clients to cancel on their own? If so, how much notice do you require?

6. Allow Post-Billed Packages

If allowed, the client will be able to book using post-billed packages until the billing is closed for that package.  This package is unlimited and must be linked to the customer's account.  Post-billed packages cannot be sold on Self Service.

7. Default Adjacent Booking Restrictions

There are three options available in this section.

1. No adjacent booking restriction.

2. Show and count non-adjacent timeslots, but disallow self booking into them - Showing all available sessions however, booking online is limited to sessions that are adjacent to other sessions already booked. The customer would be prompted to call the facility where the booking could be completed.

3.  Hide non-adjacent timeslots completely - This option only shows available adjacent sessions.

8. Waitlist

There are two option in the Waitlist section

  1. Enable Waitlist -  will allow clients to add their name on a list for sessions which are already full. (See above to hide full sessions when looking at the schedule through the MemberMe+ App).
  2. Disable Waitlist - will not allow clients to add there names to the list.

9. Auto-Book Next Client

There are two setting options in this section.

1. Enabled - The clients on the waitlist will be automatically booked if there is a cancellation.  They will be added in the order they waitlisted. The booked client will receive an email notification.  

2. Disabled - none of the waitlisted clients will be automatically booked.

3. Allow users to book rentals online

By checking off this box you're activating your Rentals so they appear in Self Service. To set up restrictions and set preferences for online booking click on the Configure Default Rental Settings link.

There are three available settings to configure.

1. You can set the desired visible range for rental availability.

2. Checking this option enables the customer's ability to set the start date of their search. If you enable this feature, you can set a limit for how far into the future a customer can begin their search.

3. This feature is a hold clock that lets the user know that they must complete their transaction within the time shown, or the rental choice will be released and available to other customers. This time can be set in increments of minutes or seconds.

**Trainer Tip: Additional settings are available for each Rental Type by selecting the wrench setting next to each Rental Type. Settings modified there are specific too that Rental Type.

4. Allow public registrations

By checking off this box you are allowing clients to create a profile for Self Service.  A Register button will appear on the self-service log in screen. The new user will immediately be added to the EZFacility client list.  

Click the Configure public registrations settings link to enable or disable the completion of their profile information before they can log into self-service. 

1. Configure public registrations settings


  • Box checked - the registrant will receive an email to verify their email address and then enter the required contact information before they can log into self-service.
  • Box unchecked - the registrant will be allowed to log into self-service without having to complete and verify their email address.

5. Allow public to view self-service site

By enabling this option a user can view the Self-Service site without having to log in.  The user will also by redirected to the selected landing page.

6. Allow Coupons

By checking the box, you are activating a section where coupons can be applied during checkout.  You can create and configure coupons by clicking the Configure Coupons link.

**Trainer tip: It is important to note that any coupon created can be limited in use, for example, one time per customer. If you want to allow a coupon to be valid through the Self-Service Portal, you must enable it for Self-Service usage.

7. Include memberships and/or packages plans that start in the past

By checking off these boxes you're allowing the sale of Memberships and Packages that have a start date that has passed. This is helpful for businesses that are seasonal or offer seasonal programs.

8. Create a vanity URL for your Self-Service site

Replace the default numbers with a unique and memorable name that will increase ease of customer use. That url address will become your self-service address.

Once saved, the new link can be copied and shared by using the Copy button.

Email Alerts

Select Enable Email Alerts and check off the type client of action you want to receive an email alert for.

1. To add multiple recipients, enter the first email address, click the add button, then proceed to add additional addresses you wish to receive notifications.

*Don't forget to save before you continue setting up other sections.

**Trainer Tip: When a trainer is set up to receive Attendance Status Changes in User Administration, the trainer will be automatically notified when a client books a session.

Credit Card Settings

You can choose which Credit Card settings to enable.

**Trainer Tip: Facilities that sell memberships or auto-renew packages may want to force store credit cards.

User Profile

You can determine which customer profile details can be edited by your customers using Self-Service. You can allow the user to edit the following options:

1. Profile Picture

2. Basic Profile Information

3. Contact Information

4. Payment Method (CC Info): this allows the user to edit the credit card stored in their EZFacility account.

5. Billing Address: this is the billing address for the credit card saved.

6. Add relationships

If the customer creates relationships in Self-Service, the other party will be sent an email to confirm the relationship. Creating a relationship allows the user to manage both EZFacility accounts with one Self-Service log in. This allows the customer the ability to book reservations and shop for packages for related clients within their profile.

**Trainer Tip: If the customer is allowed to add Relationships to their profile, the customer can add users already in the database as long as the user has an e-mail address. If the relation would be a new customer, they can add them to the facility database and set the relationship type.


Setting the Default Calendar View

You can set a default calendar view based on your specific facility.  Selecting the month view will provide your clients with an overall view of services or classes offered. Facilities with many booking opportunities daily, may prefer the daily or weekly view to allow the customer to see the daily options more easily. Facilities offering lane or cage rentals often select the weekly option.

***Trainer Tip: The client can temporarily change their calendar view to allow for easy searching.

***Trainer Tip: Facilities that offer back to back lane or cage rentals can set the booked spots to become invisible on the calendar. This allows the user to only see what is available for booking. This can be an easier experience for the customer.

Creating a Redirect After Self-Service Registration

The Self-Service preferences allow you to set up a redirect to force new clients to arrive at a specific page. Using these redirect options allow you to create different sign-up experiences for different types of customers. There are two types of Redirect Options:


1. Redirect after Public Registration - If this option is used, you must share the specific link to force the registrant to arrive on a specific page once their registration is complete. Use the Copy button to share or add to a website

For example: Teams can use the redirect to invite players to register on self-service. If used, the player can be directed to land on the registrations page to sign up for a team or an event.

2. Redirect after Registration via Invitation

This option is often used to invite specific users to have access to the self-service portal, such as members. This redirect would force invited members to land on a specific page once their registration is complete. Examples of this might be a member benefits page on the facility web site or an online waiver. Inviting only members would make the portal a benefit of membership.  

***Trainer Tip: If either of the Redirect options are used, use the original self-service link for an existing customer log-in to their member accounts.

Configuring the Menu Options in Self-Service

This feature allows you to control which options are visible on your portal.

For example, the Book Rental option is enabled.

The Book Rental option is visible.

Disable the Book Rental option

The Book Rentals option is no longer visible.

Saving Your Preferences

**Remember to save your preferences. If there are any other users, they will need to log out and then log in again to see the changes to the EZFacility account.

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