Multi-Scheduling a Trainer/Instructor and a Venue for a Single Reservation

This Guide will show you how to book a session with a trainer and block off the venue simultaneously.

Creating the Event

Select the Schedule from the menu.

Navigate to the desired date for the event. Decide the trainer and time for the event, and select the corresponding cell on the calendar

Click into the selected cell, and a new dialog box will open.

  • Select the desired Reservation Type as usual. Once the Reservation type is selected, the session details will populate.
  • In order to block off a location for the session, select the Venue from the options shown.

You may now Save and Finish, Save and Add a Client, or create a recurring event if desired. If a recurring event is created, all linked reservations will have both the trainer and the venue booked.

*** If any of the events are deleted, both the trainer and the venue will be released for other booking.

Completed Reservation - Trainer and Venue

You will now see both the trainer and venue are linked as a single reservation. The session with the trainer will be the "full or partial session" color indicator while the reservation against the venue will be the gray "unavailable" color. Clicking on either session will show you the reservation details.

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