This guide will demonstrate how to generate a Pool Play schedule
Generate Schedule
Under the Options on the left click on the Generate Schedule.
Scheduling Wizard
The Scheduling Wizard will open in a new window. Across the top, 7 tabs will appear which will progress through the different parameters available when creating your pool play schedule.
The tournament you were in when you clicked on the Generate Schedule link will automatically be checked, this example has 10 teams in the tournament.
Click Next: Select Location
Select Location(s)
1. Check the box(es) of those Locations (Venues) you would like to schedule this tournament's games with.
2. Click on Next: Set Weekdays
Select Dates & Times
1. Select League Start and End Dates - Enter in the start date for the tournament.
***Note: A League Cut Off Date is Optional and Not Necessary unless you are only doing part of your schedule. By setting one, you are preventing the Scheduling Wizard from using the data provided to accommodate your number of teams, venues, time slots and games needed for the full-length of the tournament. If the wizard needs more times after your Cut Off Date to accommodate, those games will remain Unschedulable.
2. Select the Dates to Schedule - Click on all dates that games will be played on
3. Select Game Time Slots - Within the date section, you can select one or multiple dates to begin scheduling times. Choose your available start time and specify the days you wish to set this time for. Once done, click Add Time Slot. The game times will automatically increment after each click of Add Time Slot by the length specified below at It Will Be a [ ] Minute Game. The selected time slots will appear below. You will need to select what game times are available for each date you selected above.
4. Click Next: Adjust Settings
Specify Additional Settings & Preferences
1. Specify how many games each team will play in total during the tournament.
2. Additional Options
Remove Previously Scheduled Games: Deletes any games already scheduled for this tournament and replace them with those the wizard generates
Avoid Double Booking Facilities: Prevents games from being scheduled if other games are scheduled against the selected venues or times for this tournament.
Remove "Unschedulable" Games: Prevents games that do not have a venue or timeslot to be scheduled against from being considered in the schedule
All Games Back-to-Back Double Headers: Creates a second game with a switched Home and Away team combination on the same venue as the first game. The second game will be scheduled at the end time of the first game.
3. Click Next: Set Preferences
Team Preferences
- Select a Team from the drop-down menu to set preferences for.
- Pick your team preferences (optional) For more information see Picking Team Preferences
- Click Save. Repeat steps 2-4 for any other teams if necessary.
- Click Next: Map Time Slots when finished.
1. This is a summary of how many total teams, spots available, byes, games scheduled and the status of how the schedule works out with all of these factors. The Status will let you know if you are short on any Time Slots/Locations for the amount of teams and games you need scheduled, or if you have more than necessary. It also shows what color that tournament will appear below in Location and League Scheduling (#3)
2. This menu allows you to choose how the Scheduling Wizard uses the Time Slots and Locations available to schedule the games. The default option is always Efficient Use of Times (Completes in Fewest Times)
The other options available are predominantly used for Multi-League Scheduling and feature descriptions of when they should be used next to them in the drop-down menu. Make sure to hit Update Grid (#3) if any changes are made.
3. This section shows the Time and Location game times have been allocated to. When scheduling multiple tournaments, they will be represented by different colors specified above in #1. You can manually edit the Time and Location usage by clicking on the oval slots and choosing which tournament game should go there or if it's not available. Make sure to click Update Grid if any changes are made.
4. Click Next: View Balancing
Check the Statistics
This section allows you to review the breakdown of:
1. How many Home/Away Games per Team
2. How many Games per Team at each Location/Venue
3. How many Games per Team at each Time Slot
4. How many Games per Team on each Weekday
The wizard schedules the games as balanced as it can, but it is possible to go back to any previous step and make adjustments as necessary to change the outcome of the schedule created.
5. Once you have the breakdown you are looking for, click on Next: Set the Games to complete the wizard process and generate the schedule for this tournament.
***If there are any conflicts or unschedulable games the white section under Step 7 will list them.