This guide will demonstrate how to create a double elimination bracket schedule for a tournament
Generate Schedule
Click Generate Schedule
Scheduling Wizard
The Scheduling Wizard will open in a new window displaying five tabs signifying each step of the wizard.
The tournament used to access Generate Schedule will be automatically selected.
Click Next: Set Locations
Select Location(s)
1. Check the box(es) of those Locations (Venues) required to schedule this tournaments' games.
2. Click on Next: Set Weekdays
Select the Dates To Schedule
1. Select the Dates to Schedule - Select the dates in which games will take place
2. Select Game Time Slots - Within the date section, you can select one or multiple dates to begin scheduling times. Choose your available start time and specify the days you wish to set this time for. Once done, click Add Time Slot. The game times will automatically increment after each click of Add Time Slot by the length specified below at It Will Be A [ ] Minute Game. The selected time slots will appear below. You will need to select what game times are available for each date you selected above.
3. Click Next: Adjust Settings
Specify Bracket Preferences
1. Lower Bracket Scheduling:
- AB/BA will swap a team from the top to the bottom of the next bracket if they lose (common practice)
- AB/AB will keep teams in the same location in the brackets (rarely used)
2. Keep Winning Teams On The Same Field - If enabled, winning teams will be assigned to home fields when possible.Turning this off allows best use of time.
3. Region Settings - Edit the Region name by clicking the Pencil icon.
4. Round Settings -Edit Round name(s) by clicking the Pencil icon.
5. Click Next: Preview Pairings